whollySun Strength E-Book Yoga Guide


The guide that will meet you wherever you are in your practice, and take you places you didn’t know you could go, is here.

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whollySUN Strength is 108 pages of guidance to build and maintain strength within and beyond a yoga practice, for both the beginner and advanced yogi alike. I have included an introduction to basic asanas - yoga postures - that make up the Surya Namaskars - Sun Salutations - as well as over 30 strength exercises to help strengthen your practice. You are given examples of how to use the contents of the guide in your daily practice, and pointers throughout each flow and exercise on how to safely navigate building and strengthening them.

This guide will meet you wherever you are in your practice, and take you places you didn’t know you could go. It is meant to help you strengthen the basics of your yoga practice, setting a solid framework for you to grow in your practice.